Empowering the ideas of Tomorrow, Today
Experience a brighter today and shape a better tomorrow with Project: Human City;
We @ P:HC aim to create a new way of life centre around an equitable Humanity.
Home Page Logo - a cute rotating world globe image
Our philosophy
Access the world around you to scale change through community.
We all want social change, and we all want the world to be a better place, but how we get there takes imagination and pragmatism devoted to the everyday person. P:HC is all about making strides towards an ideal future with ideas, that can benefit people today. We’re dedicated to creating noticeable impact and empowering our common Humanity. We want to make change that’s powered by ideas and are intuitive to the needs of everyday people.
We Help
Community Logo - a fancy backpack


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Environment Logo - a world globe icon


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Business Logo - an official business location


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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New Comers Logo - people-icon

New Comers

Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Inspire Logo - shinning stars with brilliant glows


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Organize Logo - a cute database icon


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Support Logo - a token of appreciation


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Build logo - a cute work tool


Become Sustainably Built And Exponentially Innovative When They Focus On Supporting Our Common Humanity.

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Project: Human City aims to enhance every aspect of life  
 - we want to help, not distract you and sell your data.

Cause we're Human too

Spotstitch helps you connect with those you keep in your pocket, knit your friends and family into custom layers, explore the world around you in swatches and sew together games, fun and seamless event planning on Spotstitch.
Get Paid for exploring your community and sharing your experience
Create timelines and explore the world in 4-D seeing past and future in real tme!
Make social events with friends super easy to plan and coordinate in real-tim with our a.i assistant
Create content and share it in anyway you feel
Create live albums for you to share with friends and followers
Connect to real people who see the world as you do
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Launch Date: October 31st, 2024

Co-Quest Logo - with wordings to the right
Co-quest is the most innovative thing in the world, it's so innovative you're joining a new world, you become a P:HC Cityen. Take up the quest to build our new collective future. Use Co-quest to join a P:HC project, program or co-op or create your own and collaborate us for a better future. Find roles that meet your skills near you, build profiency and join the collaborative quest today!
Create projects, programs and co-ops to serve the needs of your community
volunteer, work and gain work experience and build a digital reputation based on how you help change the world
Join your favourite Not-for-Profits and Co-ops and scale their impact in your community
Earn money for serving your community and participating in the discussion of changing the world
Create new spaces on our rehash layer and use AR to design the world you want to build
Share your vision of change and use our task manager A.I, Operating models and crowdsource help to create it!
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Launch Date: October 31st, 2024

Lotus Learning Logo - with wordings on the side
Lotus Learning is a portal into a whole new learning experience! Lotus learning use a.i to help teachers teach, ai to help students learn and perform better academically and develop skills to better navigate the world on every level. Lotus Learning focuses on practical skills and social skills using AR and Gamification to make learning accessible to everyone!
Build a skill based reputation that allows you to access roles on Co-quest to join projects, programs and co-ops
Educators can create a new. course just by submitting source material to our learning engine AI
Create courses with games, tests, audio lectures, video clips and guided readings
Create AR site tutorials to train new employees and make projects, programs and co-ops easy to access
Earn skill badges that unlock new job opportunities in courses specifcially designed to develop mastery
Learn anywhere with our mobile version, Lotus learning makes learning accessible and on the go fun
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Launch Date: October 31st, 2024

Dream of a Human City,
Become a Global Cityzen,
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