About Us

Who We Are

Project: Human City is a not for profit think tank. as an organization we are dedicated to pushing the social boundaries. We ask blue sky questions.

Why can’t we live better? Why can’t we be happier? Why can’t our societies operate in a way that’s healthier, both for us and the planet? Then we make it happen.

Not only do we envision a better world for everyone, we work with everyone to bring it into reality. From creating tools to connect communities, inspiring ideas and re-thinking social structures, we put human progress before our own profit. Always.

What We Do

At Project: Human City, we do many things.

For one, we empower others to address problems in their local communities. By creating change at the grassroots level, we hope to entrench progress as a cultural practice.

Secondly, we collaborate with other organizations to scale our collective impact. By partnering with dedicated groups, we have a hand in change on multiple fronts.

Finally, we brainstorm solutions through our in-house Project streams. By branching out through theses channels, we avoid siloing resources to any one approach.

Join us as we realize a better tomorrow, today.
We connect communities to enrich our collective mosaic

We @ project human city have created the rainbow co-op to runon our apps as a means of reclaiming community through cultural marxism.

We aim to empower community groups to develop cultural practices, explore identity and share with the world around them.

The rainbow co-op is coaltion of several community groups, activist and and an internal P:HC team aimed at scaling cultural projects, programs and co-ops on our apps

We create sustainable technology, modular, upgradeable and repairable

we @ project human city create technology to make sustainablity more afforadble and accessible,
we started with out with mobile apps to scale our impact

Next we aim to turn them into Dapps with a custom blockchain solution to prove our transparency

We aim to create computer componets from recycled e-waste and advanced material fabrication techniques. Then we aim to create 3-D printed homes and 3-d prinitng centres locally for all your home goods and material needs. (outside the garden or course)

P:HC aims to create the quantum internet, space elevators, solar collection arrays, convert nuclear waste to other usable elements and reuse it for energy generation when possible, orbital sentientals and arrays for meteor protection and upper atmoshpere manufacturing  scaling all the way to terraforming Venus from the surface up, and much more!

We film human moments to share our collective spark for life

We @ Project Human City have created Project: Now and Project: Valley to better capture the essence of creativity and imagination

Project: Now aims to create and capture human moments, we created Spotstich for this purpose so that we can collect and share the moments that bring us joy, happiness and everything else that makes us more human.

Project: Valley aims to be a full servIce social curation and devlopment service for creators aiming to make an impact in their local communities and give their following a full suite of content and creative work, including print publishing, music development and perfomance coordination, game development and physical merchandise

We invest or reveune back into the local communities to create a circular flow

We @ project human city have created the bubble fund to keep money tied to locations, one of the greatest drivers of economic inequality is the flow of capital out of an area because all the means of sustaining a modern life are shipped in.

The bubble fund aims to drive investment in a local area using innovative tools like development permit systems and needs assessments, then using that data to invest or create grassroots co-ops through co-quest to fulfil the needs of community.

We create new ways of living and being so that youre inspired to be more human

We @ project human city we created project streams to better engage with communityeach project stream allows us different domains of society to scale impact and fuel change, then we share the models on co-quest so that you can replicate the impact in your local community

We believe that one of humans greatest quality is our imagination and we seek to unleash it and turn it into reality. we imagine social equity, social justice, environmental sustainability, ecosystem regeneration, symbiotic relationships with nature and responsible stewardship over nature.


The Bigger Picture

When it comes to Human Rights we consider the UN’s Universal Charter of Human Rights as a bare minimum
. As we go about our daily operations, we’re careful to keep in mind Article 2 of the UN declaration:

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”

- Section 2 of U.N. Universal Charter of Human Rights

Project: Human City looks past a “city first” mentality and instead focuses on the interconnectedness of the individual. From how we interact in relationship, live in city centers to rural counties, we hope to unite people from every possible background, allowing us to make the biggest impact on civilization as a whole.


Better Future

We Scale Change

Project: Human City does business better, we believe that not-for profits should operate as aggressively as private businesses, it's our business to scale social change and deliver a return to our constituents,  the public. unlike other companies that solely off put their waste and burden on the public and serve the interests of their shareholders



We Center Life

Project: Human City is a movement for change, what kind of change? we aspire to create a new world where the old one failed, where we work together, care about each other, care for each other and are in allegiance to each other. where every human matters and we aim to cultivate the creative potential of everyone as our primary product.



Think Tank

Social Enterprise

Global Government for Change

The Everything Initiative and P:HC's Epicentre planning method

The Internet of Everything is one of the broader goals of P:HC, building and incorporating the Energy, Communication, and Logistics Internet into a common publicly accessible platform. This long-term goal is something that we plan to achieve throughout our growth as an organization.